


Empowering Integration: The MayaMaya White Label Process Unveiled

By Sameer Catenate 26 March 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of talent management and recruitment, the need for bespoke solutions has never been more critical. MayaMaya, a leading AI-powered software in the recruitment domain, now offers an unparalleled opportunity for Technology Integration Firms worldwide through its White Label process. This technical blog delves into the nitty-gritty of integrating MayaMaya’s innovative ecosystem into your offerings, ensuring a seamless, branded experience for your clients.

The Components of the MayaMaya Ecosystem

The MayaMaya White Label ecosystem comprises several key components:

  1. White Label Web Application: A customizable platform that can be tailored with the client’s branding.
  2. DNS Hosting on URL: Ensuring that the white label platform is accessible through the client’s chosen domain.
  3. Login Page/Data Management: Facilitating secure access and data management.
  4. Password Generation: Automating user authentication.
  5. Data Pull from API for Skills Assessment: Leveraging MayaMaya’s AI for insightful skills and personality assessments.
  6. Data for Job Descriptions to MayaMaya Algorithm: Enhancing job matching precision.
  7. Job Match Data from MayaMaya: Delivering actionable insights for recruiters and job seekers alike.

Implementation Process and Requirements

Integrating MayaMaya’s white label solution into your portfolio is a straightforward process, albeit one that requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure a flawless execution.

1. White Label Web Application Setup

The process begins with setting up the white label web application, a procedure that typically takes up to a week. It involves environment spin-up, testing, and preparation for client-server cutover. Essential client-side requirements include the provision of a logo, color palette, and descriptive texts for screen prompts.

2. DNS Hosting

Depending on the client’s server capabilities, DNS hosting can take anywhere from 2 to 48 hours. This step is critical for domain configuration and is usually managed by the client’s IT administrators.

3. Secure Login Creation

Creating a secure login environment involves generating passwords through an API call, which requires the client to have a system in place for collecting email addresses and names for password generation and distribution.

4. API Integration for Skills Assessment and Job Matching

APIs play a crucial role in the MayaMaya ecosystem, facilitating data pull for skills assessment and job matching. The entire process, from token creation to data integration, is designed to be seamless and efficient, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum utility.

Timeline and Expectations

From the Catenate (MayaMaya’s development side), the delivery of the APIs and the white label system is achievable within four weeks, assuming all client requirements are met promptly. The expectations from Catenate include a fully functional white label platform, DNS configuration, and API tokens. On the other hand, service providers or clients are expected to provide necessary branding elements, user data systems for API integration, and IT systems for data retrieval.

Navigating the Future of Talent Management

MayaMaya’s white label solution represents a significant leap forward in the way technology integration firms can offer customized, AI-powered recruitment and talent management solutions. By following the detailed process and meeting the outlined requirements, integrators can seamlessly blend MayaMaya’s advanced capabilities with their unique branding, offering a competitive edge in the rapidly changing world of work.

For further details on API integration and to begin your journey with MayaMaya’s white label process, visit MayaMaya API Documentation.

This initiative not only marks a milestone in recruitment technology but also opens up new avenues for firms to enhance their service offerings, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the talent acquisition and management industry.


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